Real-Life Stories
Read the stories of people who have stepped into educational freedom.
Kathy T., Humble, TX
We’ve homeschooled now for eleven years. My kids are 13 and 15. My son has ADD, bipolar disorder, and learning problems. There were times when I thought about putting him in public school just because the road has been so long and hard with him. I prayed. A lot. Then I called upon the services of a private, special education consultant. With her help, I have been able to keep him at grade level and progressing beautifully. Several specialists have told me that if my son had been educated in the public school system, he would never have reached the academic level he is at now.
What matters more? His spirit would have been destroyed. Because of his problems, he would have been incessantly teased. Without one on one tutoring, he would be crippled by failure. Instead, I have a blossoming young man who is confident that with God all things are possible.
Last fall, a dear friend decided to put her son in a public charter school. Within the first month, he was attacked by the teacher on several occasions for his faith. By the second month, when she announced that the school would celebrate “diversity” with a cross dressing day, my friend pulled her son out and resumed homeschooling him.
Keeping my kids home hasn’t been easy, but it is the best decision I ever made.
Denice, Kansas City, MO
I want to share with others that it is possible to be a single parent and still homeschool. You have to be creative, think outside of the “box” – perhaps work the 2nd or 3rd shift if possible, get a roommate or relative to help watch the kids when you aren’t there, be blessed by being able to take the kids with you to work and let them work independently in a separate area, etc.
When my husband left, I had 5 kids at home ages 8 and under. Those first years I did a newspaper route and took the kids with me. I know I can’t depend on child support, but I have an Awesome God who knows all our needs and blesses us more than you can imagine!
Check out this site for Support for Single Homeschooling Parents
Tammy D., Ft. Oglethorpe, GA
2 sons, now 20 & 25. Home schooled for 20 years.
What made you decide to home school?
I actually never considered sending my kids to school. I attended seven different schools myself growing up and know from experience that the academic and moral levels don’t differ much from school to school. I wanted a whole lifestyle of learning, not limited by the resources of a place my kids would spend most of their daytime hours.
Has there been anything unique about your home schooling experience?
I’ve always worked, usually outside the home. That hasn’t been a problem for me, because I’ve taken jobs with flexible schedules or other advantages, like being able to take the kids to work with me. Since we have a learning lifestyle and don’t consider school something to do on the side, that’s worked for us.
Would you ever consider putting your children in a public school?
No. Not under any circumstances. For me, the public schools don’t even exist. I don’t mean to sound down on people who use them, but between the lack of freedom they represent, the joke they call education, and the deplorable moral conditions inside them, it would be like tossing my kids into a cesspool to drown. That sounds pretty strong, but that’s how I feel about it. My kids are too important to me. I would never do that to them.
What advice would you give to other parents considering separation?
Don’t wait for the perfect moment to break free — there isn’t any. Don’t let officials, relatives or anyone else intimidate you into sacrificing your children. If you want to help public schools, give them your money, give them your time, give them your house and your car — but don’t give them your kids. There’s a world of support out there for home schoolers. If you can’t home school, find a decent private school and sacrifice for your kids’ education like you would for that fancy car you want or that vacation or entertainment center or big house. Whatever you’d sacrifice for the thing you most want in life, sacrifice ten times as much for your kids.
Heather B., Pottstown, PA
1 daughter, 12; 1 son, 10
What made you decide to home school?
I knew as soon as my children were born that I’d home school. I would see them take their first steps, hear them speak their first words, and hear them read their first sentences.
Is there anything unique about your circumstances that might encourage others?
I have a very hyper, wiggly little boy who just can’t sit still. Some parents think they wouldn’t be able to deal with that. But you can do it — let them wiggle. In school, wiggling is considered disruptive. It’s a reason to be medicated. At home, they can wiggle and jump up and run around to get some energy out of their systems when they need to.
Any words of advice for others?
At home, you can nurture your children and help them grow up strong, with good self-esteem and self-confidence. Children grow up strong by being surrounded by love and encouragement.
The future is full of hope. Please join us – and millions of others – on an exciting journey toward educational freedom.